Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18 month celebration

For Brooklyns 1 1/2 birthday we made a 1/2 a cake!! Really
just any reason to have cake....but this seemed like a good

Brooklyn approved!!

I just had to include this littbe "B" chair Clint made for Brooklyn.
He is so crafty and talented!! What a lucky girl!

Monday, November 16, 2009

1 1/2 years old!

Brooklyn is 1 1/2 today. I can't belive my baby is growing up so fast!

I don't think i am ready to starty planning a 2 year old birthday party!

CLint and I have enjoyed every minute of her. (even the hard times)

We are blessed to have her in our lives.


This time last year brooklyn was just starting to crawl!!

now she thinks she is a big girl!!

We have started climbing out of our crib!!


baking cakes

eating in our big girl chair (high chars are for babies)


Happy 18 months Brooklyn! We love you!
mama & dada

(thank you for the pretty dress g-ma nell!!)

Friday, November 13, 2009

my little beauty!

Brooklyn wore her leopard outfit for the beauty pageant

being judged

finally done! WE WON! yay

Brooklyn after accepting her trophies
1st place photogenic
3rd place beauty
Supreme Duchess overall

work those boots girl!

we are so proud of our little beauty queen!