Sunday, December 20, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Snow in Midland??


Friday Dec 4th Brooklyn got to stay home from school and
play in the snow with Daddy!! He is quite the photographer!!
This was her first experience with snow!! She was quite impressed!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18 month celebration

For Brooklyns 1 1/2 birthday we made a 1/2 a cake!! Really
just any reason to have cake....but this seemed like a good

Brooklyn approved!!

I just had to include this littbe "B" chair Clint made for Brooklyn.
He is so crafty and talented!! What a lucky girl!

Monday, November 16, 2009

1 1/2 years old!

Brooklyn is 1 1/2 today. I can't belive my baby is growing up so fast!

I don't think i am ready to starty planning a 2 year old birthday party!

CLint and I have enjoyed every minute of her. (even the hard times)

We are blessed to have her in our lives.


This time last year brooklyn was just starting to crawl!!

now she thinks she is a big girl!!

We have started climbing out of our crib!!


baking cakes

eating in our big girl chair (high chars are for babies)


Happy 18 months Brooklyn! We love you!
mama & dada

(thank you for the pretty dress g-ma nell!!)

Friday, November 13, 2009

my little beauty!

Brooklyn wore her leopard outfit for the beauty pageant

being judged

finally done! WE WON! yay

Brooklyn after accepting her trophies
1st place photogenic
3rd place beauty
Supreme Duchess overall

work those boots girl!

we are so proud of our little beauty queen!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

baby nap time

We have a new ritual at the Horsley house.
We regularly hold nap time for all babies.

it's really quite simple......

First-you have to hold your baby close
and rock it to sleep

next you pat the babies back and sing a little goes
to the tune of the ABC's but it is more like A-b-b-b-b-b-b
(she get's a little carried away with the letter b)

next you place the baby on the pillow and hold it down while
saying shhh shhh shhh shhh shhh

if your babies are really fussy you can lay down with them

and finally, everyone is asleep and happy!

that is until a baby rolls off the pillow and get's a stern talking
to about staying on your pillow!!
so funny the things she is picking up! her mothering skills are
already kicking in!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meet lola....

a couple of weeks ago this little mutt
wandered up to our office during lunch.

She was matted and hungry. Her dew
claws had grown around and found
themselves burried into her paw. I
took one look at her and my heart sank.
She looked so much like my Shi-tzu gizmo
and she just needed a loving home. I took
her home and she did great with Lilly and Gizmo.
I took her to the vet and her health checked
out. Dr Brown said she was about 1.5 years old,
and a Shitzu pekengese mix.
She had no collar and no one seemed to be
looking for her. That's when we realized she
was here to stay. After a trip to the groomer
i give you the new and improved Lola...

She is so happy and is blending great with our crew.
She even passed the 1 year old rolling on you test.

She makes a great addition to our family and she has made
herself quite comfortable on the couch. She went from
homeless to living the good life!

Monday, July 13, 2009

new swimsuit

Brooklyn got a new swimsuit, this is her stylin on the Lake 4th of july!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

random but cute

I have lots of random things to post about tonight, first Brooklyn has decided that EVERYTHING should go on her head. bowls, baskets, blankets, and much more have become "hats" around here. Tonight Brooklyn found the perfect hat! It fits snugly on your head and the best part is you can see when you walk around wearing it. Brooklyn made me laugh so much wearing this tub on her head. she even rode her horse while wearing it.(I got that on video, will upload soon)

Here is Brooklyn dive-bombing Clint, she thinks it is great fun to sneak up on him and pounce! Those 2 love to play in the floor and give each other so much love! So sweet!

Brooklyn in her cute Gymboree dress she got from Robert and Debbie for her birthday!

And last but not least i couldn't resist sharing these stylish poses in her Hawaiian shirt!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th of july!!!
love, the HORSLEYS

Monday, June 29, 2009

Have your cake and eat it too!

I finally have a picture to post from Brooklyns 1 year old pictures taken by Sarah Green Photography. this one is of the cake destruction! To see them all go to
and the password is Horsley

Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Clint

For fathers day I took took a picture of clint and brooklyns hands (when she was 2 weeks old)and overlayed it with the song lyrics "daddy's hands" it turned out really cute and i think CLint loved it! Happy 2nd Fathers day Clint!

thanks for being such a great "da da" Clint! You are the best!

Yes, this is clint and Brooklyn watching TMZ, we are teaching her about trash TV early! haha

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Brooklyn had her first adventure with spaghetti
last week. As you can see she had more fun playing
with it than she did eating it!! She kept looking at
me thinking she was going to get in trouble but
we just let her be a kid and have fun playing and eating.

Hope everyone has a great day!
love the Horsleys!