Thursday, June 18, 2009


Brooklyn had her first adventure with spaghetti
last week. As you can see she had more fun playing
with it than she did eating it!! She kept looking at
me thinking she was going to get in trouble but
we just let her be a kid and have fun playing and eating.

Hope everyone has a great day!
love the Horsleys!


The Reynolds said...

That is so fun!! I bet she really enjoyed that. Did she like getting messy?
Addison will have nothing to do with anything tomato based!! It drives me crazy. We can not get her to eat spagetti, spaghetti O's or anything like that. Even the mixed veggie baby food with tomato in it...she spits it out. LOL we have all of sudden become an extremely picky eater and it is driving her mommy and daddy crazy.

ashley said...

how awesome that you have joined us! love the updates, she is just precious!